Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Political incorrectness has been all but banished from our church, especially in the matter of the equality of the sexes. But that hasn’t stopped us using music from Newfrontiers. Newfrontiers? What’s wrong with them? Their music is good and it’s theologically sound? I am sure it is, but it comes from a stable that the liberal minded may find just a teensy weensy bit tainted with patriarchy.

Newfrontiers came out of the late seventies restorationist movement, a movement whose “apostolic” father was Arthur “I learnt it in the Army” Wallis. In the summer 1979 issue of the Restoration magazine Wallis wrote of the role of women in church:

“Man’s head is Christ, so that in submission to Christ he receives authority from Christ. Women’s immediate head, however, is man, so she acts under man's authority”

Newfrontiers have mellowed since those heady days of rapid sideways growth of the Restorationist movement and now assume what they call a complementarian position on women. But according to Wikipedia, this means:

“… that women are not able to occupy positions of governmental leadership within the local (or wider network of) churches, such as eldership or apostolic ministries…”

So there you go girls, it's back to your place by the kitchen sink. But judging from the snaps I took below of our politically correct dual ‘his and hers’ sink system it is precisely at the kitchen sink where NCBC is getting most flack from the “weaker sex”. It looks to me that we could do with a little bit of help from the Newfrontiers patriarchs. I wonder what their remuneration rate is for a Sunday sermon: pretty steep I should imagine as many of them were in high flying jobs as management consultants at some point. And what do we get? An RE teacher and a guy who lives with a cat called Lily.
Peter: Being a girl, Jo, I am sure there is nothing you like better than a bit of washing up and wouldn’t mind doing my sink as well.

Jo : Being a boy, Peter, I am sure there is nothing you like better than a bit of car mechanics and wouldn’t mind changing a slashed tyre on your car before you go home.

Jo Westwood? More like “Jo Wayward”
Andy: Don't look now Debbie, but someone's taking a photo.
Half a second later: Speak to yourself Andy.

As you can see these two attempts by church elders at 'covering authority' are about as effective as the Canutian school of tidal management.

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